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How to Create, Access and Delete Shared Drives

Machines are high-performing computing for scaling AI applications.

Create a Shared Drive

Shared drives can be added anytime by clicking the Drives tab in the console.

  1. Choose a name
  2. Choose a size
  3. Choose the region
  4. Choose the network
  5. Click create
Create shared drive

Accessing the Shared Drive Path & Credentials

The path (network address) and Credentials can be accessed from the console Shared Drive list. From here, you can view the path (click to copy), view the username (click to copy) and copy the password to your clipboard.

Shared drives

Delete a Shared Drive

Shared drives can be removed anytime by clicking the Drives tab in the console.

  1. Select the ellipsis (…) menu
  2. Click delete
Delete shared drive