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How to Manage Accessors to Paperspace Machines

Machines are high-performing computing for scaling AI applications.

A machine can have multiple accessors, allowing your users to share machines and collaborate. Team admins can add accessors to machines on their Team accounts.


When access is granted to a user, they can start, stop, open, and delete a machine, take snapshots and adjust auto-shutdown.

Add Access

If you assign a machine to a user at machine creation, they are automatically one of the accessors. To add more accessors to a machine, go to the Machines Settings. The assigned accessors are listed on the right-hand side. Click the plus sign to add another user:

Manage accessors

Select the user you wish to add from the dropdown, and click Assign. From this window, you can also remove a user’s access to a machine.

Manage accessors
Adding an accessor to a machine does not add SSH keys to machines that are already created. You need to log into the machine with existing SSH keys and add the new user keys manually.

Connecting with the Desktop App

While a machine may have more than one accessor, only one may be connected to the machine at a given time.

Remove Access

You may remove access of a user to a given machine at any time, by clicking their name in the machine’s settings page and selecting Remove Access. Removing a user from your Team also removes their access from any machines and resources they were assigned. You may do so from the Team Members section of your console.

Removing an accessor from a machine does not remove the SSH key from the machine. The key needs to be manually removed on the machine from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys