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How to Use the Gradient Model Repository to Manage Models Beta

Workflows automate machine learning tasks, combining GPU instances with an expressive syntax to generate production-ready machine learning pipelines with a few lines of code.

The Gradient model repository is a hub for importing, managing, and deploying ML models.

Gradient Models can be created in two ways:

  1. Generate models from your workloads such as Workflows or Notebooks
  2. Import into Gradient by uploading them directly from the Web UI or CLI. Learn more here.

Gradient has a repository of Models per project. The model repository holds reference to the model artifacts (files generated during training) as well as optional summary metrics associated with the model’s performance such as accuracy and loss.

Models are available within projects

Supported Model Formats

Paperspace supports the following model formats:

  • TensorFlow
  • ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)
  • Custom

Create a Model

There are two ways to create a Model in Gradient, and both can be done via the web UI or CLI:

Run a Workload that Generates a model

You can do this via using a Gradient Action or the SDK. This places your Model in your Project’s Model repository. For more information, see the Model CLI/SDK docs.

Upload a Model

You can upload models in the model repository via the Web UI or CLI.

To upload a Model via the Web UI, first navigate to the Models page.

From there, click Upload a Model +


This opens up a modal to Upload a Model, where you can drag ’n’ drop a Model file from your local machine (or click to find it locally), as well as select the model Type and provide a Name, custom Summary, and any Additional Notes as metadata. Additionally, you can click “Or Upload a directory” to select a local folder.

Upload model

Then click Upload Model. This uploads and registers the Model in Gradient.

You can upload a Model via the CLI with the gradient models upload subcommand:

gradient models upload downloads/squeezenet1.1.onnx --name squeezenet --modelType ONNX

Whether you use the Web UI or CLI, you’ve now successfully uploaded a Model into Gradient!

Uploaded Models are not associated with an Experiment.

Now that you have a Model, whether uploaded or generated by running an Experiment, read on to learn how you can use it to create a Deployment.

View Models

You can view your team’s models in the model repository via the Web UI or CLI.

Navigate to Models in the side nav to see your list of trained Models:

Models are available within projects Single Model card in your Models list

The Web UI view shows your Model ID, when the model was created, the S3 bucket location of your model, your metrics summary data, the Experiment ID, the model type, and whether it is currently deployed on Paperspace.

You can click Deploy Model to create a deployment with your Model. And you can click Open Detail to see a more detailed view of the Model’s performance metrics. This also shows a list of all of the checkpoint files (artifacts) generated by the Experiment, as well as the final Model at hand, and you can download any of those files.

Expanded Model Details showing performance metrics Expanded Model Details showing model and checkpoint files

Alternately, you can view your Models (currently with less detailed info) via the CLI by running gradient models list.

$ gradient models list

| Name | ID              | Model Type | Project ID | Experiment ID  |
| None | moilact08jpaok  | Tensorflow | prcl68pnk  | eshq20m4egwl8i |
| None | mos2uhkg4yvga0p | Tensorflow | prcl68pnk  | ejuxcxp2zbv0a  |
| None | moc7i8v6bsrhzk  | Custom     | prddziv0z  | e5rxj0aqtgt2   |

You can use the following parameters with the list subcommand:

Argument Description
--experimentId Filter models list by Experiment ID
--projectId Filter models list by Project ID

Rename a Model

Click on the name to rename your model.

Rename model

Delete a Model

You can delete a model from the model repository using the Paperspace console or the CLI.

To delete a model, follow these instructions:

  1. In the Paperspace console, select any project.
  2. Click on the Models tab to see a list of your trained models.
  3. Search for the model you want to delete.
  4. Click the menu that corresponds to the model you want to delete and select Delete.
Delete model

You can delete a model using the CLI with the following command:

gradient models delete --id <your-model-id>

Add Metadata to Models

To store Models in the Models list, add Model-specific parameters to the Experiment command when running an Experiment.

--modelType defines the type of model that is being generated by the experiment. For example, --modelType Tensorflow ensures that the model checkpoint files being generated are recognized as TensorFlow model files.

Model Type Values Description
"Tensorflow" TensorFlow compatible model outputs
"ONNX" ONNX model outputs
"Custom" Custom model type (for example, a Flask server)

Create Custom Model Metadata

When modelType is not specified, custom model metadata can be associated with the model for later reference by creating a gradient-model-metadata.json file in the modelPath directory. Any valid JSON data can be stored in this file.

For models of type Tensorflow, metadata is automatically generated for your experiment, so any custom model metadata is ignored.

An example of custom model metadata JSON is as follows:

  "metrics": [
      "name": "accuracy-score",
      "numberValue": 60